There are two KYC levels:

  1. Non-document KYC (LKYC) allows customers to make crypto purchases up to €1,000. This limit is applied to the lifetime of the profile and upon reaching a limit, customers will need to complete document KYC. LKYC requires only a name, date of birth, and billing address. In most cases, LKYC takes just a few seconds to complete; however, if a manual review is necessary, it could take longer.

  2. Document KYC (FKYC) allows customers to make crypto purchases up to €10,000/week. Customers are required to provide proof of identity (such as a driver’s license or passport), proof of address that is less than three months old (such as bank statement or utility bill), and to complete a liveness check (it’s similar to a video selfie). US residents can also choose to complete FKYC by instead providing just their driver’s license and completing the liveness check. In most cases, FKYC takes just a few seconds to complete; however, if a manual review is necessary, it could take longer.

Last updated